2024评委阵容 (690 x 460 像素) (11)

Interview with 2024 Book Publishing Jury Jon Klassen

"Style and its consistency are very mysterious. An illustrator's style seems to be a combination of the way that illustrator wants things to look and the way they can't help but make them look. "

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2024评委阵容 (690 x 460 像素) (9)

Interview with 2024 Commercial Jury Hadi Barkat

"'Never-ending' creation can be a positive force when it fuels continuous growth and exploration, as exemplified by artists like Picasso. Picasso's approach to art was one of relentless production and evolution."

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2024评委阵容 (690 x 460 像素) (12)

Interview with 2024 Book Publishing Jury Morgane Vasta

"The child and the artist live in the same country. It is a land without borders, a place of transformation and metamorphosis," writes Elzbieta.

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