On the Wings in the Cities

Book Publishing

Artwork Description

People and animals all came from the same place. But today, it is not so common to spot animals in noisy cities swarming with cars and concrete... Or is it? Developed with ornithologist Pavel Kvartalnov, this self-initiated non-fiction project is about animals living in urban environments. It aims to share our passion for wildlife and shows how many animals are actually coexisting with mankind in urban environments.

New York, USA

Suzdal, Russia

Beijing, China

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Olga Ptashnik

Female Russia 1991 hi@olgaptashnik.com

City of birth Moscow

Now lives & works in Krasnaya Polyana

Techniques used Mixed media including graphite, watercolour and pencil

Published/Unpublished Not published